





Page 18 - shehuizeren2011
P. 18

            可持续发展背景                                                                                                                责任管理
            Background Information on Sustainable Development                                                                      Responsibility Management                                                                                About Us

                中国建筑以“一最两跨”为目标,立足于国内外两个市场,系统分析自身及行业面临的机遇和挑战,审慎制定各种应                                                                    中国建筑以构建实施和谐发展战略的长效机制为着眼点,深化社                                                                        可持续经营
            对策略,促进公司可持续发展,引领行业的发展方向。                                                                                               会责任工作体系建设,积极推进社会责任管理工作,不断提高履行社                                         Director – Board Chairman
                China Construction focuses on “One most and Two Entries”, based on both domestic and foreign markets, conducted a systematic analysis of the   会责任的能力和水平。
            opportunities and challenges that the Company faces in order to prudently develop countermeasures to promote sustainable development and its                                              ྿ᇵࣷኴႜዷඪ!Ċ!ጺঢ়૙
            leading position in the industry.                                                                                                                                                         Executive Director – General Manager(s)
                                                                                                                                   社会责任工作体系                                                                                                 Sustainable Operation
                                                                                                                                       公司建立涵盖公司总部和成员单位的社会责任工作体系,建立由                                      ޭዷඪ!Ċ!ݴ࠶ଶڞ
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Deputy Director – Divisional head(s)
                                                                                                                                   任工作。                                                                 ྿ᇵ!Ċ!߳ևோ޶ሴට
                      ऐ!ᇜ                     ཈!቟                      ᆫ!๞                     ଝ!๞
                    Opportunities            Challenges              Advantages             Disadvantages                              社会责任委员会下设社会责任工作办公室,主要负责制定社会责                                  Committee Members – Functional head(s)
               ࡔॆླྀႜĐ࿘ዐ൱৊đ               ඇ൰ঢ়ष׼Ⴤگ௚                ᆛᆶॺዾĂںׂଇٷ               ׂᄽ঳ࠓփೝ࢚                                    交流,编制发布社会责任报告等。                                             中国建筑社会责任委员会组织架构
               ڦঢ়षአ֧                    ዐ۫Ăԛݥևݴࡔॆአ              ೗ಈ                      ࠅິాև݀ቛփೝ࢚                                                                                              Organizational Structure of the Social Responsibility
               ࡔॆླྀ࠽୴෥ॺዾरຍ               ਆۯږ                     ࡔाࣅĂጆᄽࣅڦට               ᇑࡔाՔ߇ഓᄽ၎Բ٪                                                                                             Committee                                    Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain
               ࡔॆेٷԍቱݝࢅዘٷ               ጨᇸׯԨฉื                  ֍ܓ࿹                     ሞֶਐ
               एإยแॺยڦཨ෇                ࡔాࢢ࠵ۙ੦                  ডഽڦᆌܔޅ၃ీ૰
               ׭ኔࣅࢅ߾ᄽࣅॺยႴ                                                               Unbalanced industrial structure;                                                    มࣷሴඪ߾ፕӸࠅ๪
               ൱ሺ׊                      Sustained global economic downturn;  Possessing the two most influential   Unbalanced internal development                            Social Responsibility Office
                                                                brands in the field of construction
               ࡔॆኧ׼ᆶํ૰ᄕഓĐ               Political turmoil in some countries of   and real estate;  within the company;                                                                                                                     质
               ጽ؜ඁđ቟୼                   Middle East and North Africa;  A professional and elite   Lagging behind international                                                                                                               量
                                                                                        enterprises and benchmarks.
                                        Constantly increasing cost of   international team;
               China implements stable but                      Rich and accumulated management                                                                                                                                             Quality
               progressing economic policy;  Stricter control over domestic   experience;
               China promotes green building   macroeconomy;    Stronger capacity to deal with risks.                               ۭ   ॔        ᄽ                          ๨   Ҿ   ੔        ႑            ጺ            ए    ׭   ݝ
               technology;                                                                                                          ๚   ๚        ֧    ට                ݆    ᇑ   ඇ   ᇑ    ഓ   တ            և    ઻   ࡛   إ    ๨   ں          安
               China increases investment in the                                                                                    ࣷ  Office of the Board of Directors  ࣷ  Office of the Supervision Committee  Ӹ  General Administration Office  ࣄ  ૰  ֎  ጨ  ཨ  ୱ  Legal Affairs Department  ਜ਼  ዊ  Safety, Quality and Environment Department  ย  Sci-tech and Design Department  ᄽ  Corporate Culture Department  ࣅ  Information Management Department  อ  Audit Bureau  ॔  Supervision B
               construction of indemnictary                                                                                         Ӹ   Ӹ    ཐ   ᇑ    ᇸ  Human Resources Department  և  Finance Department  և  Fund Department  և  Investment Department  ခ  ࢽ  Market and Client Management Department  ࣍  ऺ  ࣅ  ࠶  ਆ  ਆ  ࠶  Headquarter Administration Bureau  և  ᄽ  ๚  ॺ  ๚  Real Estate Department
               apartments and infrastructure.                                                                                       ࠅ   ࠅ        ࠶    և                և    ࠶   ৣ   ࠶    և   ૙            ૙    ਆ   և   ᄽ    ย   ᄽ           Safety
               Demand on construction increases in                                                                                  ๪   ๪        ૙                          ૙   և   ૙        և            ਆ            և    և   և